Do you speak JavaScript?

This JavaScript course is designed for developers who want to take a few steps further with the language. Through a series of videos, you will learn techniques and best practices for working with JavaScript. Whether you are looking to improve your skills as a front-end developer, back-end developer, or full-stack engineer, this course has something to offer for everyone.

What's in the course:
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1. Module "Language APIs" This section of the course will cover features of the JavaScript language, including capture groups, destructuring, the iterable protocol, generators, and a few interesting things about the `this` keyword.

2. Module "Popular concepts" Here we'll explore a range of JavaScript concepts, including monkey patching, function chaining, memoization, partial application, or state machines.

3. Module "Design patterns" This section will introduce you to a couple of my favorite design patterns.

4. Module "In the browser" We will delve into some interesting capabilities of the DOM API.

Krasimir Tsonev Instructor: Krasimir Tsonev

Krasimir Tsonev is a programmer with over ten years of experience. He is the author of more than 200 technical articles and several JavaScript books. He works for, a company that is one of the major players in digital healthcare. As a senior programmer there, he helps develop effective digital experiences with a focus on patients.

Language APIs

This section of the course will cover features of the JavaScript language, including capture groups, destructuring, the iterable protocol, generators, and a few interesting things about the `this` keyword.

Lessons in this module:

Capture groups in regular expressions (03:24)

Destructuring (02:59)

Scope (09:19)

Hoisting (04:44)

Iterable protocol (06:12)

Generators (05:18)

Popular concepts

Here we'll explore a range of JavaScript concepts, including monkey patching, function chaining, memoization, partial application, or state machines.

Lessons in this module:

Method chaining (05:01)

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (04:29)

Monkey patching (03:52)

Memoization (05:51)

Partial application (06:28)

Dependency injection (14:32)

State machines (21:06)

Redux - the predictable state container (06:48)

Communicating sequential processes (07:02)

Design patterns

This section will introduce you to a couple of my favorite design patterns.

Lessons in this module:

Module Revealing pattern (05:02)

Publisher/Subscriber pattern (07:35)

Singleton (04:16)

Mixins (02:05)

Command pattern done with generators (05:39)

In the browser

We will delve into some interesting capabilities of the DOM API.

Lessons in this module:

Event delegation (07:39)

Call-to-action widgets script tag replacement (04:40)

Client side routing (08:19)

Loading resources dynamically (05:25)

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